How to bulk upload users
To upload users in bulk please use the following template to create your records before uploading them.
user name, email, roles, employe id
Roles and their ID, you can specify multiple by using the "|" (pipe) seperator
None = 0,
AccountAdmin = 1,
PayeeViewer = 2,
PayeeCreator = 3,
BankTransferViewer = 4,
BankTransferCreator = 5,
VirtualCardViewer = 6,
VirtualCardCreator = 7,
UserViewer = 8,
UserCreator = 9,
GrantSupportAccess = 10,
SettingsViewer = 11,
SettingsCreator = 12,
PayeeBatchViewer = 13,
PayeeBatchCreator = 14,
BankTransferBatchViewer = 15,
BankTransferBatchCreator = 16,
VirtualCardBatchViewer = 17,
VirtualCardBatchCreator = 18,
UserBatchViewer = 19,
UserBatchCreator = 20,
OutgoingExpressOfferViewer = 21,
OutgoingExpressOfferCreator = 22,
IncomingExpressOfferViewer = 23,
IncomingExpressOfferManager = 24,
OutgoingExpressOfferBatchViewer = 25,
OutgoingExpressOfferBatchCreator = 26,
ReportingViewer = 27,
ReportingCreator = 28,