Making changes to your scope of work
From time to time the scope of work change as you are working on them. PxFlow allows you to amend a work (if allowed by your client) by either removing, or adding, new 'deliverables' (categories of work that have a cost associated with them). We make sure your client agrees too by sending them a simple amendment contract for signing.
To make a change to a current project, first go to the project from the list. You will see the current requirements. You can remove using [x] button:
and add using Add New Requirement button:
Any changes are held in draft for you to review first. You can clear all your changes using the Clear Amendments button. When you are happy with the changes, click the Preview Amendments button. This will trigger a preview of the simple amendment contract. If you want to make more changes before sending to your client for approval, click the Cancel button or go back in your browser.
Did this answer your question?When you are ready to send these changes to your client, click the Agree and Submit Changes button. Your project will go back into the awaiting client state while your client agrees or declines these changes. You can make multiple amendments to a project.